Pray Hard

Prayer is powerful. Understanding its strength and potency in your life should encourage you. Prayer breaks the works of anxiety, fear and hopelessness. Prayer–the earnest, heartfelt and continued prayers put you in a place of tremendous power!

Prayer, coupled with fasting,  are secret weapons given to us by God. Understand this today,  my friend. The devil is merciless. He’s not thinking: “I can’t attack these beautiful little creations God has made in His own image. They’re so sweet and pure!” HE IS EVIL. He has been going after your children since the day they were born! There’s a non stop effort from the devil to try to get your children to fear, to hurt or even be killed! 

Praying for your children is a non negotiable.  It’s the difference between life and death. I’m not talking about the happy clappy prayers offered by “cute” Believers: “Dear God, bless my family. AMEN.” I’m talking about fervent, passionate prayers. Prayers offered to God because you’re serious about the outcome of your child’s life. PRAY HARD.

James 5:16 says: “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” The Amplified Bible says: “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” 

Knowing these things will keep you from praying cute prayers. So attack in prayer! PRAY HARD. The lives of your children depend on them! Don’t wait until you can schedule an hour of prayer (it won’t happen!). Start NOW. Develop your prayer time. Be intentional about your prayer time. Make it a priority in your life.

I have developed prayer points that will help you pray effectively. They are effective because they are directly from the Word of God! Find them under our resources tab on our website ( Print them out for you, your family and friends!

This will be the first of many prayer points for your children so check back regularly!

I love you!


Back to School?

We’ve been here before. Year after year, grade after grade. The spectrum of feelings is wide and broad. On one end: the excitement! Back to school shopping, reuniting with friends we haven’t seen all summer… moving on to a new grade! On the other end: the angst! The dread we all feel as summer ends and we revert back to early mornings, rigorous schedules and the ever so dreaded – homework!

This year is dramatically different from the ones before. School made an abrupt finale early spring, and we have all been scratching our heads since. Too many questions… What now? School or no school? Hybrid, remote or fully in-person schooling? Our heads are spinning. So much has happened in such a short time frame. We are still reeling from all of this and we still do not know what lies ahead.

Things have been out of our control.

In the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty, we have been fighting to grab a hold of tangible things we can control. So we started focusing on preparation! We focused on immediate wants and needs. Two words: Toilet Paper! We were flocking to the stores to stock up on the necessities to get us through this storm. We would begin to focus on what our necessities were or would be. Everything else seemed beyond our grasp of control, as a result, were sitting ducks.

We’ve all heard of the flight attendant effect, right? We are on a flight and we encounter some intense turbulence. Bumpy, knock-your-drink-off-of your-tray, turbulence. The first thing you do is search for a flight attendant. What are they doing? If they are smiling and proceeding with the drink service – all is well. We find reassurance in their demeanor. If they were packing carts up, strapping themselves into their seats, drying accumulating beads of sweat with their sleeves and whispering worriedly to each other – we would PANIC.

This year, which one were you? When your children looked to you, what did they find? What did our children take away from this experience? What can we change? What did we learn? How can we make these bumpy rides in life smoother for them? 

For starters, we must learn to never take our eyes off God and His Word. His Word has sustained my family and I through this and more. His Word is written in stone… It never fails, never changes or wavers. As the world changes and at times, become more uncertain. Let your only necessity, be Jesus. Find preparation in the Word. Let the Lord guide you and your family’s paths forward. 

Matthew 6:25-33 tells us exactly that: “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.“

Only the Lord can meet our needs. Only the Lord can prepare us for the incoming storms. This year has taught us this. We did not know how to prepare ourselves because our local and national government themselves did not know what was coming, what was next. The narrative has changed a hundred times. “Do this… actually, do not do this, do that..” New rules, changed rules – lots of backtracking and amounting confusion.

The one thing that has not changed and will never change is:  The Promise – God’s Word. 

Let’s replace the flight attendant effect with the GOD EFFECT. 

I encourage you today, whatever your day looks like remote, hybrid or in person. To make it a point for you, and especially your children, to set time aside to be with The Lord and in his Word. Read, take notes, journal, meditate on it. Pray for the Lord to bless your day and guide your steps. Let him work through you and your family. Teach your children that our only necessity in this life is Jesus. In Him and ONLY Him, we will find protection, peace, happiness, fulfillment, strength, healing, understanding, intelligence, patience – in Him, we find it all!!

Have a recital or sports game? Pray. Have an exam next period? Pray. Have a dentist appointment? Pray. Going on vacation? Pray. God gave us these things to do, not for them to be a burden but because they are weapons! If we learn to use these weapons and help equip our children with them, no attack will be able to prevail. So make it a part of your day! Train them up (and yourself!) in the way they should go. It takes effort, but the reward far outweighs the work! 

I Love you!

We are here to help! We have made a 7 day devotional to get you started! Make it fun! Make it a warm up before homework, before school, before bed to spend time with the Lord. Incorporate prayer as preparation for it all. 

Email us at for your devotional download or hardcopy!



Happy April, Y’all! 

Parents/guardians: Today, I wanted to encourage you and… maybe.. possibly… rebuke you. 

Actually, let me be real, this is more of a rebuke than a message of encouragement. I know, I know… I’ll be gentle. I wanted to talk to you today about finances, and the double edged sword it can be at home. I think this is a really important topic – especially if you are stressed out about money, stressed out about your finances. When parenting, raising up children, I would like you to endeavor to eliminate finances from the equation. You may have financial concerns; I don’t want you to put that burden –  those financial concerns on your children.

This is so important. Whether we are in quarantine or not. I feel like it seems to have become all too common, when raising a family. Parents and/or guardians projecting their financial hardships on their children, in essence, robbing them of their childhood. I hate to say it that way, but truthfully, I cannot understand why parents will discuss financial matters with a 5-year-old child. It just doesn’t make sense! They can’t go and get a job to alleviate your financial burdens. Being aware of these troubles (or any troubles for that matter) will not help you and it definitely will not help them. They just want to be kids; play video games, color – they want to play with their Barbies!

Children are a blessing from The Lord, they are beacons of light for you – an escape from the madness of the world. Everyday, look at your child and say, “what a gift”. See them apart as that. Let’s never forget it. 

I can never understand how parents can discuss financial hardships, no matter the age: 5 years old, 11 years old, 14 years old, 17 years old –  you’re discussing financial matters with a child and you’re projecting your stress, the anxiety that you feel, onto them and onto their lives. Passing it onto them like a baton in this relay race we call life. It creates fear in a child. Fear that there will be no provisions for you and them. It starts with us, parents. This is something that I hope you reflect on. Please stop talking about financial matters and struggles with your children. There are ways of showing your concern to your children. You could just say “shut the lights off because I politely asked you” as to saying “shut the lights off because you’re not the one paying the bills here,” or “shut the water off because the water bill was three hundred dollars and I can’t pay that.” These conversations with your children are so imperative with how they are to develop. A lot of people grow up afraid of money. What I mean when I say ‘they’re afraid’ is, all they’ve ever known is “ money equals problems”, right? There’s no real clear sense of “God is our provider and I will never lack”. If you take it upon yourself to project your worries and your concerns to your children, that inevitably takes form on how they’re going to respond to finances. When they get older, it will stress them out. How you react to anything, is how you react to everything. Not only when it comes to finances, but, when it comes to stress, when it comes to the housework, when it comes to how they treat other people.  All of this, will equate and will be a reflection of their upbringing – of you and your reactions.

What is your reaction to the trials in life? Unfortunately, we are not exempt from problems in this life, but we are guaranteed to be more than conquerors. If we’re more than conquerors, that means we get to benefit from a blessing without fighting for it. You just walk into it. By declaring the word of God over your finances, over your family, over your health. If you’re not doing that, I want to encourage you, parents. I want to encourage you, mom. I want to encourage you, dad, grandma, grandpa and guardians. I want you to be very careful with how you respond to situations that aren’t favorable for you. Maybe you got laid off, or you don’t know what the next month will look like. It’s not right for you to put that kind of a heavy load on your children. People that are poverty stricken put this on their children and they breed the same kind of poverty mentality, time and time again. You have to understand today, that there is no government agency that is going to take care of you and your family. God Almighty will take care of you and your family. I know a lot of people might have sneered at that, yes. Because: you don’t know, but I do know

I know God is my provider. I know God as our only source and resource. There were plenty of times where there was nobody to help Jonathan and I when we first got married, we had to walk this thing out. It’s a walk of faith! We declared the Word of God over our lives and we never lacked.

Declare it! Declare it until you get it through your head that God really is who he said he is. He said he’d provide. He said, “I’m the many breasted one. I will provide. There are no runts in my litter. I will provide for each of my children”. Some doubt that God can do it, they then turn to government agencies. They will turn to X, Y, Z, hoping that others will possibly lend a helping hand. God is your help. God is your helping hand

Passing on these burdens to your children will inevitably breed the same, throughout their generation and  generations to come. 

The other day, I was in Wal-Mart, at the toy aisle with Camila. There was a little boy and he was looking around and the mother says: “you get one toy.” The little boy replies: “how much is this toy? How much is this toy?!”’ That really stood out to me. I was thinking, why does it irritate me that he’s asking how much? When I take Camila to a toy aisle at any store and I tell her to pick out one toy, she never asks how much. It’s because she knows we don’t lack in this house because Jesus has blessed us immensely! That’s God’s promise for you today. Don’t ever say you can’t afford anything. I’m telling you this with all the love in my heart, snap out of that mentality. Walk in love, walk in faith, walk in faith, and walk in some more faith. That’s what faith sounds like. “Not right now, little Jimmy but we’ll come back for it”. 

I remember driving through the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. It was $22 to go through that bridge and we had to do it every time we drove out of Virginia Beach, when we lived there. I remember going over in a car with my sister and having to pay the $22 and I was thinking, “this is the last 20 dollars in my name right now.” I had to scrounge up $2 and hopefully I’ll find $2 of change in this car. When I handed it over to that toll attendant, he didn’t care. He just stuck out his hand. I put the money in his hand and I said, “there’s more where that came from.” He looked at me like, OK, you’re crazy, but I was saying it to declare: I’m not stressing over money, I’m not going to stress over finances. This is as small as I’ll ever be. I’m not going to allow the cares and the worries of this world to snuff out the Word of God in my heart. I’m not going to do it! Every time we’d run low, we’d always declare: “There’s more where that came from!” We can’t get that right now but we’ll come back for you. It was something that came to us with ease. 

We no longer have to say it because now, we live and walk in the abundance of the Lord. That was all God’s doing. It first started with me putting up a fight and not allowing the things I’ve seen my entire life, to tell me how I should respond to finances and money. It was put on me as a child. There are a lot of you, if you’re Italian, if you’re hispanic, people just talk about things, freely. “We can’t afford…” “We don’t have that kind of money.” “I don’t have enough.” “How do you want me to get that money?” “You want to do soccer, where am I going to get that money?” 

It’s not right. It’s not right for you to begin to create your child’s future based on your reality. It’s not right. I want you to begin to speak to your child with all of the things that the word promises them. “You are going to be mighty because the Word of God says ‘my seed shall be mighty’.” “You are going to be the head and never the tail.” “You are never going to be on the bottom.” “You’ll always be on the top in Jesus name.” Begin to say that. Anybody can state the obvious but that’s not faith. Faith tells you to say something even when your circumstances don’t show it. Today, I want you to begin to say that because I know where you’re at. I know that there’s a lot of panic. There’s a lot of stress, but don’t put that on your kids. They don’t need to know anything about anything. They can live their lives being completely oblivious to our stress because they didn’t ask for that stress. They did nothing to put us in this position. They’re completely innocent. Have the mentality, that in this time where mommy and daddy are trying to figure it out, we are going to have a blast. There’s no electricity right now = We’re going to set up a tent, grab a flashlight, and have fun! We’re going to have a light show with the flashlight, make it fun. Make it so that faith is activated in everything you do. Turn everything that the devil would try to put on you to dampen the mood and turn it around on him. From that point on, I made it a point to believe the word of God, to speak the word of God. I understood what it said. That’s ultimately what this is all about. You say what it is that you want to see, whether good or bad. Stop putting the stress on your children. We have 5-year old kids wondering, “well, there’s no money, I don’t know how we’re going to pay the rent.” Why is that?! Why does he know that? I don’t understand. Please don’t be that type of person. Start fueling them with faith. Start blowing on that fire and getting it really hot and saying, “no, there’s nothing that is hard for God, this situation is an easy thing for the Lord to help us through. In Jesus name.” I want you to do that. I have nothing but love for you all, but snap out of it! 

Keep praying against darkness. Now in this time with your family you should invest. Invest time and invest energy. Invest your words, pray, study the word of God as a family. Do devotions together and you are going to come out of this quarantine time better than ever, in Jesus name. 

 I love you!


Quarantine? Now What?

Oh Sweet March!… The month that brings us the highly anticipated, SPRING. Spring, so widely known to be the season of renewal, rejuvenation and rebirth. When warmer weather revives everything from plants to animals. Our planners and agendas fill up with activities to come. Many to-do’s, so many places to be and so many relationships to sustain…. 

Fast forward to the 23rd of March. I am staring at my planner after studying my bible and journaling. A practice I have always made time for. It is a necessity for me. I hope it is for you, too!  As we are wrapping up week 1 of quarantine, I stare at the hustle and bustle of my schedule as it is laid out before me in my planner. Trivial tasks that blend into the next. I had it all planned out, all mapped out, but didn’t we all? Those plans, tasks and appointments went to the wayside as we were kindly mandated indoors to quarantine… Whoa. In an instance; a blink of an eye… the world as we knew it, stopped. Plans, school, and work – all canceled. 

Quarantine? What now?

During this time of quarantine, I have stayed relatively up to date with the news and social media –  I like to stay in the loop of everything that is going on. There are so many questions, so many uncertainties… How long will this go on for? What is to come? Can we endure?  I must admit, during this time, not once, have I felt fear. Not once, have I felt the need to panic. The season of renewal, rejuvenation and revival is still in full bloom in my household and I pray the same dwells in yours. During this time of seclusion, most of us have family around us, I encourage you to BE that beacon of hope and joy in these moments. For your spouse, your children and those around you. FEAR is a liar; fear can make you believe the worst, act the worst and BE the worst. Fear and anxiety can be transferred like germs. Transferred to our children and those near and dear to us. Fear changes the atmosphere in every room, in every place. Change the atmosphere when you walk into a room. Keep the right perspective in all things by staying in The Word. Encourage everyone you encounter. Ephesians 2:2 tells us: ‘the enemy is the prince of air’ – of the atmosphere that surrounds us! The Lord gives us dominion, therefore we have the authority to change the atmosphere, correct the narrative. Psalm 91 tells us: ‘Those who live in the shelter of the Most High, will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Repeat a 100x a day to keep the doctor away. 

Wear it as a seal; our armor and protection are in HIM and His promises.

Take comfort. Let’s make hope and joy contagious today!



Love is a powerful force! Every believer has the opportunity to experience true love, real love – and it is found through Jesus Christ! Sadly, many believers can go a lifetime without tapping into this kind of love. A relationship, to some people, is accepting Him as Lord and savior and… that’s it. God doesn’t love…. He is Love! (1 John 4:7). He loves you today. Receive that love!                                             

Can you imagine, if I confessed my love for Jonathan, but he never pursued me or desired to have a relationship with me? Love isn’t just lip service, love pushes you to act. If you love, you give. You give your time, your energy, your gifts, your words, you just GIVE.

Love is the reason we live. It wakes us up in the morning. Love gives us PURPOSE in life.

The Message bible translation, 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 says: “If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but do not love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, ‘JUMP ‘ and it jumps, but I do not love – I am nothing. If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I do not love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I am bankrupt without love.” 

Let that sink in.

Without love; we are bankrupt, we lose , we are nothing. Love is the glue for everything we do! So…how do you know you have accepted God’s love? There’s an absence of fear (1 John 4:18).

I encourage you this month, the month of LOVE, to get in the Word. God is Love and His Word is God (John 1:1). When you get lost in His Word, you’ll begin to receive the love He has for you. See yourself through the eyes of God (His Word) and accept who He has created you to be. 

Reciprocate His love. Give Him your time, your energy, your gifts, your words.

Get intoxicated with His love and allow it (Him) to change you! 




Happy New Year! 

As we begin a brand new year, it’s imperative to make: first things first! 

Taking time out to pray and fast is making first things first. Most people have a tendency to start the new year with a focus on health, fitness or breaking bad habits –  but I challenge you to fix your eyes on Jesus! 

Year in and year out, with the best intentions, we set goals that are, sadly, broken by January 8th. Putting the Lord as the number one priority of the new year, sets you up for uncommon success. 

So, how do you fast? Webster’s dictionary says: “Fasting is to abstain from food”. There are a lot of folks out there that want to “fast” social media or television. If that was considered true fasting, everyone who ever lived before the 1930’s had fasted their whole lives! Push away the plate, y’all! The Holy Spirit may lead you to take a break from social media or television but the true meaning of fasting is to not eat food. We do it do pacify our flesh! There’s no greater stronghold than food! Ask Adam & Eve. 

When you abstain from eating, you make your SPIRIT take the lead. All of a sudden, the voice of the Lord becomes clearer. The loss of direction is replaced with laser point accuracy. What seemed impossible changes to already done! 

I want you to challenge yourself this year. Involve your children! When you pray, have them pray. If they’re old enough, have them engage in missing a meal for the day. During this time, set your goals for the year, journal your progress, and watch how the Lord transforms your life! 

Study the Word of God when you’d normally have a meal. Remember, fasting is just a health benefit if you don’t involve prayer! So take time to pray and hear the Word of the Lord everyday.

By putting prayer and fasting into intentional practice, your life will never be the same! This is your year. This is a year of divine favor for you and your family. What you’ve struggled with for years, can no longer follow you another day – in Jesus name!

We’ve already begun our 21 days of prayers and fasting. Will you join us? We have meetings at 12pm and 7pm Monday-Friday. Follow along as we pray and declare that this year will be our BEST Year! 



Instructing our children to believe the Word of God is integral! It’s something that has to take place everyday. In order to train them up, we must actively saturate them with the Word. This is especially important if your child is in an atmosphere void of God’s Spirit. It’s easy for a worldly spirit to come on you and your children, all you have to do is—nothing!

If you have a 25 minute car trip to school, play an episode of Superbook! ( It’s available on Prime and you can download the app to watch the episodes from your phone or iPad. Your child may have a different learning approach but my daughter loves the visual aid and retains an incredible amount of knowledge from these shows. If your kid is always on the iPad, make it work for their own spiritual development! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because the most important thing we can do as parents is to develop our children’s thought process. See, their thought process is either going to make them or break them! I was watching this interview about a child preacher in the south. The person interviewing this child and his father would ask the kid some questions about the Bible and the kid would respond with well polished, churchy answers. Then the interviewer asked, “Well, why do believe that?” Then, crickets. The kid looked at his dad dumbfounded not knowing how to answer the question. 

We can give our children the Word and force them quote and believe what we believe but WHY DO WE BELIEVE IT? Do you know?  Do they know? Have you taken the time to share what God has done in your life? Have you taken the time to tell them why you and the family serve Him? If we can teach our children what to do AND WHY we do it, the thought process begins! 

When children can develop the thought process as to what’s wrong, what’s right and WHY, you’ll raise them to never be persuaded out of what they believe! So teach them! “Mommy had a sad heart but Jesus made it happy!” “Daddy, was lost and confused but God showed him the way out!” 



Shine a positive light on why they should live in God’s Word! When you do this, you take the Word and what they’ve been instructed to believe from the ethereal into the personal. You make it real to them! As a child, it’s difficult to understand things you don’t see, but they see YOU. You and your walk with the Lord will be enough to keep them from the heartache and trouble this world has to offer. 

This Christmas, teach them about the birth of Jesus. Take them through the whole story and the supernatural things that happened. Then, tell them about the time you met Him. Let them know how crappy your life was without Him. Express your love and gratitude for our Savior and how merciful God the father was to afford us this privilege! Then, pray, have them pray and thank God for Jesus together! 

You are great!


Watch The Patterns

Christians are really good at over-spiritualizing themselves out of action. There’s too many people asking God to do something He’s commanded them to do! You have a lot more pull than you think. God has given you those children. You know them better than anyone. That knowledge (the world would call a gut instinct) is a spiritual read God has given you.

So what happens when you begin to see what most people overlook? It may be a subtle way of opting out of being social or a slight burst of anger, whatever it may be–DON’T IGNORE IT. Watch the patterns your children exude. If they run up to their bedroom every night, avoiding you or the family, address the situation. If they’re slight bursts of anger become regular, address the situation. Don’t run away from a problem because you don’t want a confrontation.

Some problems can be rectified in a few minutes of conversation. Other problems may need the assistance of an outside source but make no mistake about, it is necessary. Communicating with your child is vital to their well being and overall strength. Take the time to look into their eyes and talk. Let them know how much you love them. Talk about their future. Motivate them to move in the things of the Lord.

Deut. 6:6-9 says “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” See the devil is a one trick pony. His game is deception. If he can get your children to fall into that trap, he secures the victory over their life. That’s why we have to “impress” God’s Word on them. To impress simply means to influence in opinion or to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feeling. See that? What you may have been asking God to do is actually something He’s instructed YOU to do.

The only way to combat these ill intentions is to snuff out the lie with God’s truth. That’s why He’s also commanded us to talk about them every chance we get! God’s Word is the truth that will reset every attitude and behavior. That’s why it’s so important! Allow for the Word to root itself in your child’s heart and watch the turn around.

For Such A Time As This

I just turned 35, I’m not old (regardless of what my daughter says) but even in my life span I’ve seen this world grow terribly dark. I can see the evil and wickedness. What was once something people would hide behind closed doors is now something people publish with pride. These things happening around us will either cause you to lock yourself up in your home to wait for the return of Jesus, or they could fuel you to understand God’s urgency.

The Bible says in Romans 5:20 “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” See, God has placed His finger on one generation before His Son would return, and that generation is US. Search it out for yourself! Every prophecy that needs to be fulfilled has already been fulfilled. Scripturally, there’s nothing holding back the return of Christ but 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.”

Webster’s Dictionary defines generation as “The people of the same period, or living at the same time.” A generation isn’t people ranging from 35-80, it’s EVERYONE–from the tiniest baby to the oldest man. When you think about that, it should excite you! You were chosen for such a time as this! Your children were chosen for such a time as this. He could have reserved anyone but he CHOSE you, He CHOSE them! He always saves the best for last and that’s why you and your family are on the scene.

We have the power to change this dark world and fill it with light! We are the people chosen to usher in the greatest move of God this world has ever seen. Don’t be afraid to tell people about Jesus. Don’t be afraid for your children and how they’ll make it out in that world. God has chosen them. No harm will come against them. No evil will come near their dwelling.
Joel 2:28-29 talks about you and your children! Did you know that? It says,

Then, after doing all those things,
I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your old men will dream dreams,
and your young men will see visions.
In those days I will pour out my Spirit
even on servants—men and women alike.

Panic, anxiety and stress will come on you if you quit listening to God’s Word and focus in on the news and what’s happening around you. Embrace your call! Encourage your children with this. We must be stronger than ever in our faith! There’s a world full of people that are crying and dying. We must understand the responsibility God has given those He has chosen. You, me, our children. We must step up to the call and do our part.

Like Esther, she had to push through the fear and doubt and simply rise up to the occasion. She realized she had been chosen but if she never did anything, she and her people would have all died! That’s the urgency and severity of our calling today. He’s reserved us for right now, let us also, rise up to the occasion! This generation will be saved. Our children will be right in the middle of the greatest awakening this world has ever seen.

In Jesus name!,

Fear & Anxiety In A Child

When we were kids depression and anxiety was something that happened to the older generation. Through the means of social media, tv and music, the devil has permeated his gospel of fear to our generation and even (and most unfortunately) our children. Children as early as 5 years old are being placed on anti-depression medication and suicide watch. In fact, entire wings of hospitals are now dedicated to pediatric psychological evaluation. This is not something that’s rare, it’s running rampant and it’s destroying our children.

As parents, we must do what is necessary to safeguard our homes and lives from these attacks. If your child is fearful and full of anxiety, God can and is very much willing to intervene on their behalf. We must understand that the devil is mercy-less. He doesn’t care what age it takes to destroy a life, he has a vendetta against God and is willing for everyone to perish with him. YOU, yes YOU as a parent or guardian have an incredible role to play in your child’s life. You are the reflection of God to your child! How you deal with things, how you walk with the Lord, your attitude towards life and other people are all pointers that direct your child in the way they go.

Fear and anxiety is spiritual. We must never forget that every problem in life is first rooted in the spirit. Matthew 15:11 says “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth”. There’s a common misconception that a person’s outward problem is the problem but it’s not! The real issue at hand is that person’s heart. Matthew 12:35 tells us, “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.” The outbursts of anger and violence is merely the fruit of what’s on the inside.

Likewise, depression, fear and anxiety are all things that are produced from what’s within. That’s why it’s so important to feed your children SPIRITUAL FOOD. It’s the whole reason for The Mighty Series! In order for the outside to reflect good fruit, you must sow the seed of God’s Word in you and your child’s heart.

So what can you do?
The easy thing to do is get afraid. Resist that. Get it in your Word and seek God’s face for your child. Pray and pray in the spirit until you get the peace needed to address the situation. You’ve got this! It’s why you’re here! Then, begin a daily meeting where you STUDY the Word of God and pray for one another. Think this is too much? ITS NOT. It’s interesting how regimented people can be when a doctor prescribes a medication or time to meet (people even demand time off from work!) but when it comes to the things of The Spirit, anything goes! You MUST make this a priority. The more time spend in the Word the faster the resolve will come.

What scripture can I read?